Once you have everything set up the way it should be, click Print.Generally, this is with the glue side face down on the left side.
You need to consult your printer's owner's manual to see which direction to insert the envelope, so it prints correctly. Two tabs expand out and in (shown in the picture.) Expand these to the width of the narrowest part of the envelope, and insert the envelope into the printer. There is a slot on the printer that adjusts for the insertion of envelopes.
In the Envelope size drop-down, select the envelope size you are using.Click Options to set up the correct size of the envelope you are using for the printer.Then the Merge to Printer dialog is displayed, please select a print records to meet your need and finally click OK.If you have a or similar account, which allows you to print postage from your home or business, you can add postage to the printing.
Click Mailings > Preview Results, and then click and buttons to preview and make sure the names and addresses on the envelopes are correct. Click OK, you can see the address block has been inserted into the envelope. If you do not want the field showed, click (not matched) in the drop-down list. In the Match Fields dialog, you can decide which fields can appear on the envelope. Tip: If you want to know whether the fields in your recipient list match to the required fields or not, please click Match Fields. In this dialog, select the recipient name format you want to insert under Insert recipient’s name in this format section, and you can preview the result in the Preview section after select a name format. Click Mailings > Address Block to show the Insert Address Block dialog. Put the cursor on the middle of the envelope (which is a text box displayed), and then specify a position you want to insert the address. In this part, you need to specify the information appeared on the envelope.ġ. Check the person you want to send the letter to in the pop-up dialog. Click OK to close the dialog, and click Mailings > Edit Recipients List, you can see the customers list has been added. Here I select an Excel workbook, after clicking Open button, a Select Table dialog pops up for selecting the sheet which the list existing in. A Select Data Source dialog is displayed for you to select the file which include the list you want to import, then click Open. Click Mailings > Select Recipients > Use an Existing List. Then the document is changed to an envelope with the default return address showing at the top left corner. In the Envelope Options dialog, click OK. Click Mailings > Start Mail Merge > Envelopes.Ģ. Now, we need to import the customer list into Word document.ġ. If the envelope didn’t print correctly, try adjusting the Feed method options in step 4. Then Word prompts a dialog for you to save the return address, click Yes.
Then click Printing Options tab to choose a way that the envelope will be loaded into the printer. In the Envelope Options dialog, click Envelope Options tab to specify the envelope size, delivery address and return address. Type the delivery address In the Delivery address box, and in the Return address box, type your return address. Open a Word document and click Mailings > Envelopes.
Read more Free download Step 1: Set envelopes styleįirstly, you need to set the envelopes style.ġ.